Vision for Coaches' Ministry
FCA Coaches Ministry is the ministry program to coaches through huddles, events, training, and resources.
The coach is the one of the most influential individuals in our society. It has been said that a coach will influence more people in one year than most people will in a lifetime. FCA seeks to equip and encourage coaches to grow in their faith and become transformational in how they coach their athletes and influence other coaches.
An FCA Coaches Huddle is a small group Bible Study for coaches that coach teams at all levels on campus and in community club/travel sports. A Coaches huddle can consist of a coaching staff or it can be made up of coaches from various teams.
The best answer to this question is “Wherever works best for the coaches involved.” Coaches Huddles meet in a variety of locations including a of rooms/offices on campus, restaurants/coffee shops, homes, etc.
The best answer to this question is “Whenever works best for the coaches involved.” Many times the Coaches huddles on campus meet in the morning before school starts. Other coaches huddles will meet once a week at a pre-determined time (morning, noon or night) and location in the community chosen by the coaches.
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