Dear FCA Teammate,

Thank you for your interest in our 2025 FCA Camps. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes has now been working with coaches and students for over 65 years. Through FCA, thousands have either strengthened or started their walk with Christ and have grown in their faith. Each year we have camps for students & for coaches & their families. 

If you cannot afford camp without a scholarship, complete and submit this application form. Our staff will determine if a grant can be made. After this,  you will be informed as to the amount--then we will contact you on how to register your camper(s). The scholarship amount is typically about half of the cost of camp, but state your real need.

If you have any questions please contact Jeff Hunt at

Please share the information on our camps with your friends & your church. God uses FCA Camps to change lives!


Jeff Hunt

Multi-Area Director

Scholarship FAQ's

Should everyone apply for a scholarship?
No, only those who would be unable to attend camp without some financial aid should apply.

Where does the scholarship money come from?
FCA is a faith-funded ministry & all of the money necessary for the ministry to continue is raised locally. Most of the money comes from individuals like you.

Is the scholarship money wasted if no one applies for it?
No, it supports the ongoing local ministry of our staff to kids, coaches, and others.

How much should I request?
Request only as much as needed.

Do you offer full scholarships?
Only in extreme situations. We want each camper to take on at least a small part of the responsibility of paying for camp.

Is other scholarship money available? 
Yes, you should approach your school’s FCA huddle, your local civic clubs (e.g. Kiwanis), and your local church for financial assistance. Our staff can help make contact for you, if needed.
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